PRP Platelet Rich Plasma – Hair Fall Treatment

What Is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Our blood is made of two main components, red blood cells, and plasma. The plasma contains white blood cells and platelets, which are rich in growth factors. Growth factors can help stimulate the activity of the hair follicles and promote new hair growth. The use of Platelet Rich Plasma is a great treatment option for hair loss because it has a scientifically proven to be effective in increasing hair count, hair thickness, and the growth phase of the hair cycle.



As with most procedures, there is a careful process involved in using Platelet Rich Plasma for hair re growth, beginning with a standard blood draw from the patient’s arm. The blood is put into a machine called a centrifuge, which spins the blood tube to separate out the red blood cells from the plasma. The plasma, rich in platelets, is then injected directly into the scalp at the level of the hair follicles. The process is meticulous — with injections beginning across the scalp, approximately at every half inch over the area of thinning hair — but typically, the entire procedure takes less than a half hour.